
Wouter was another colleague at another bar I worked at. He was a hard worker, which I liked. He was also a bit of a macho, but he was so young (or by now I was so old) that there was something touching about his machismo. And in the end he never took himself overly seriously, and allowed himself to be the kind guy he really was.

The machismo quickly brought me to Hercules. His age brought me to a baby. So I wanted to make a series called "Baby Hercules". I looked up the labours of Hercules and tried to put Wouter in a depiction of those labours.

First Labour: slaying the Nemean Lion.

Second Labour: killing the Hydra

Third Labour: hunting down the hind of Ceryneia.

Fourth Labour: capturing the Erymanthian Boar.

Fifth Labour: cleaning out the Augean stables.

Sixth Labour: chasing away the Stymphalian birds.

Seventh Labour: wrestling the Cretan bull.

Eighth Labour: capturing the man-eating mares of Diomedes.

Ninth labour: stealing the gird of Amazonian Queen Hippolyte.

Tenth Labour: capturing the cattle of the monster Gerion.

Eleventh Labour: stealing the golden apples of the Hesperides.

Twelfth Labour: kidnap the hell-hound Cerberus.

I have had so much fun with this series that I gave it another try. So a based on the theme of Baby Hercules!

for those interested in the myth of Hercules, check this website.