
What makes Dunk? And what makes Dunk make what Dunk makes? Well, let's see what we can come up with.

Born in 1962 in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. Then, and for a long time afterwards, the largest harbor in the world. A city of workers. The Dutch always say: "the money is made in Rotterdam and spent in Amsterdam". I don't feel a strong connection with Rotterdam, after all I left the city when I was 4 years old. I do think it is the only true city in Holland, all the other larger places are more like cosy, cute towns to me.

My father was a Dutch Royal Marine, and the family traveled a lot, depending on where my father was stationed. I think that frequent moving did influence me as a person, I tend to take relationships as they come, without clenching to things that should be done, like calling every other day, visiting at least once every 2 weeks, and stuff like that. This attitude has allowed me to enjoy interactions with people when they happen, and as long as they happen. No expectations, and no disappointments, in general.

I was brought up Catholic. My parents were fairly liberal, but I seem to have taken the whole "Catholic thing" very seriously. At one point my mother was sure she had given birth to the next pope. I remember being totally distraught because I absolutely loved a song with the title "I don't believe in miracles". But if you don't believe in miracles you don't believe in God, so how could I even like that song. My sweet mother took the time to explain it was an expression which shouldn't be taken literally.
While not religious anymore I can tell I have taken the Catholic imagery with me. I will say, whatever else I could say about the Catholic Church, they certainly know how to make awesome theater! I have a certain sensitivity for imagery one finds in Catholic churches, with tons of curls and lots of gold. The Baroque of the Counter Reformation certainly sounds through in my work.

I have felt creative for as long as I can remember. After a failed academic career (never did I encounter more stupid people than at the university, sadly) I tried a professional career as artist. Went to supposedly the best art school in the Netherlands and quickly decided that if I really needed to go to a psychiatric hospital I wouldn't need the help of any art school. Then tried setting up a career as artist on my own and failed miserably; I hated having to go by galeries and begging the owners if they would PLEASE show my work. So then made art my most important hobby.

But as the Dutch say: "blood crawls where it can't go", meaning that you can't stop what has to happen, no matter what. So now, many years later, I am ready to show my work to the world. I have no expectations, which gives a lovely sense of freedom. I just focus on the joy creating art gives me.

Over time I have created a large pool of inspiration sources. I absolutely love history, but also enjoy going through art history. Visiting museums is my version of meditation, I mostly do it on my own because I take so much time. All in all I have a large collection of mental images on which I found my art work. Most of the time that doesn't even happen on purpose, I just work on something and afterwards realize that I have incorporated that medieval tapestry background.

While I certainly have some classical artists which I admire very much, like El Greco, Caravaggio, Velazquez, Frans Hals, Goya and Van Gogh, I do find I am more and more fascinated by contemporary art. Mostly I admire individual art works, but an artist like Marlene Dumas basically produces one masterpiece after another, as far as I am concerned. I could say the say of Anselm Kiefer, for instance.

Art doesn't have to please to get my attention. It doesn't even have to be "beautiful", whatever the heck that is. I want to be touched by art, either inspired or kicked in the nuts. It's the impact that counts for me.

I guess after all this yacking I am not an inch closer to explaining what makes Dunk, and what makes Dunk make what Dunk makes. I guess you had better just take a look at the work. If you are overly sensitive this might not be a website for you. If anything offends you I am truly sorry, for I don't like offending people. The work certainly wasn't meant to offend. It comes from very deep inside me, and has an authenticity which might not be yours. Keep on breathing, and if you truly hate it go somewhere less stressful. Peace.